Il corso offerto in collaborazione con British Institutes Taranto è pensato per coloro che desiderano apprendere o migliorare la propria conoscenza della lingua inglese, in modo da ottenere la certificazione linguistica B2 riconosciuta dal MIUR.
La piattaforma di formazione multimediale gestita dall’istituto offre un’ampia autonomia per gestire i propri programmi di studio in modo personalizzato, con percorsi formativi E-learning strutturati in linea con i livelli del Quadro Comune Europeo.
Ogni percorso è suddiviso in unità didattiche (per un totale di 14 unità) che includono esercizi, approfondimenti grammaticali, animazioni, dialoghi, testi e brani audio. In questo modo, gli studenti possono apprendere l’inglese in modo efficace e divertente, seguendo un percorso personalizzato che soddisfi le loro esigenze.
UNIT 1: The breakfast table
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Present simple Vs Present Continuous / Adverbs of frequency / Stative verbs / Ing form: special usages / Daily routine / Get
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions that happen regularly / things which are always true / actions which are happening now, in this period or in the planned future / the frequency of actions / how to use stative verbs / how to use special structures with the continuous form / how to talk formally and informally to people / introduce yourself / lifestyle and daily routine / the use of get
UNIT 2: What a lot of questions
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Questions – Subject questions Question tags Indirect questions Quantifiers Offers and requests Complaints and apologies
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about asking questions / building a subject question/forming question tags/making indirect questions/using quantifiers: much, many, a lot (of), (a) little, too much, too many, enough/how to make, accept and decline offers and requests, in a formal and informal way/ how to complain and apologise
UNIT 3: Where did you get that dog?
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Past simple vs present perfect It’s time
Used to/would Be/get used to + ing Like /as – how to talk about similarities
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about finished events in the past compared to recent events without a definite time / actions or states which last up to the present / how to use “it’s time” and the simple past to say it is a suitable time or period to do something / Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about past routines, habits and states with “used to/didn’t use to” and “would” / use “be/get used to” +ing to say you are accustomed to doing something / how to talk about similarities / how to ask people about their occupation by using the prepositions like and as
UNIT 4: Another dog is missing
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Past continuous/ Past perfect/ Linking words/ Reported speech / say, tell, ask
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions which were in progress at a certain time in the past / about actions which happened before another action in the past / link 2 sentences using linking words / how to report other people’s words using indirect speech introduced by the verbs say, tell and ask
UNIT 5: An international problem
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous Comparatives and superlatives Special comparisons Would rather Adjectives: prefixes and suffixes Word formation
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions and situations which started in the past and are still going on – know when to use the present perfect and when to use the present perfect continuous / Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions and situations which started in the earlier past and were still going on in a moment in the past / understand the difference between the present perfect continuous, the past perfect continuous and the past continuous / how to use comparatives and superlatives and to make comparison with special structures / express preferences with “would rather” / how to use prefixes and suffixes with adjectives / how to form new words
UNIT 6: Meetings
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Continuous tenses vs simple tenses For and since Holding meetings (formal and informal)
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use continuous form to say that an action or condition has continued for a certain period / the language of meetings and general expressions used in the world of work / when to use continuous and simple forms / for and since / how to hold formal and informal meetings
UNIT 7: Can you remember?
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Revision unit
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Revision of the grammar functions, expressions and vocabulary learnt so far
UNIT 8: Modal verbs
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Modal verbs Conditional sentences Wish + past simple Word building Hotel and travel words and expressions
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use modals with present, past, or continuous meanings / zero, first, second and third conditional sentences / wish and the past simple to express regret in the present / useful hotel and travel words and expressions
UNIT 9: What to do in the future
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Future tenses, Time clauses, Clauses of purpose, How to express agreement and disagreement
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about tenses used in the future and the difference in use / time clauses and clauses of purpose / how to express agreement and disagreement
UNIT 10: Copy-cat in Philadelphia
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses Verbs followed by – ing/ infinitive Education, qualifications Physical actions Appearance
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use defining and non-defining relative clauses / how to use those verbs which are followed by to + infinitive and those which are followed by the gerund / Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about education and qualifications / verbs connected to the body / ways of describing people’s appearance, education, qualifications
UNIT 11: Dog-napping gold thieves
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Verbs with two objects
Passive structures Have/get something done Suggestions and opinions Interests and hobbies
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How some verbs can take 2 objects / how to use passive structures which are very common in English / how to use the structure: have/get something done / how to make suggestions and ask for opinions / useful vocabulary for interests and hobbies
UNIT 12: New Developments
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Reported speech Lie and lay Bring, take, carry, fetch and wear Phrasal verbs
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to report other people’s words / how to use some verbs which are remarkably similar and can be confusing / Phrasal verbs
UNIT 13: Heading home
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Heading home Articles Countable and uncountable nouns Singular or plural nouns Phrasal verbs
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use definite and indefinite articles / how to use some words that can be either countable or uncountable / some nouns which can cause problems to learners
UNIT 14: Can you remember?
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Revision unit
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Revision of the grammar functions, expressions and vocabulary learnt so far.
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